Bisbee Soap and Sundry

by | Dec 4, 2017 | Customer Stories | 0 comments

Prepare to be Spoiled

To be good at something isnā€™t simply enough. Thatā€™s what Mark and Amber discovered before they started Bisbee Soap and Sundry. Even though the husband and wife team excelled in their previous careers, working towards someone elseā€™s dream had burned them out.

Artistic, detail-oriented, and determined, they needed both an outlet for their creativity and to use their drive to take ownership of something they were passionate about. As a result, the world can experience Bisbee Soap and Sundry.

“People thought weā€™d gone mad when we announced we were quitting our jobs to make soap,” Amber said.

Their guts werenā€™t wrong at all.

When they decided to change careers, they were inspired by Amber’s aunt who made soap in Taos, Mexico. They found it to be a natural fit. It took a mere two weeks to decide they were done with their previous jobs and from there, they started preparing for the opening of Bisbee Soaps.

“We dove in head first and havenā€™t looked back,” said Amber.

This all-in attitude, paired with their creativity, resulted in the rapid growth of Bisbee Soap and Sundry. They couldnā€™t simply make small batches of soap every week anymore.

“It became apparent very quickly that we needed to up our production, as we were selling out quickly,” Amber recalled.

Bisbeeā€™s production space more than doubled and they were looking for off-site options for expansion. With only five employees, their soaps sold in shops across seven states. They quickly became a destination spot within their own hometown.

“Iā€™m proud of our work and what we do; I truly enjoy it,” Amber said.

A self-described lifelong artist, she used her talents beyond the soap to design logos, packaging, and anything else Bisbee might need for its brand. Dedicating long hours to a business they own is unlike anything else and keeps them driven as well as happy.

Now, they provide jobs for others and take deep satisfaction in routinely spoiling customers for their other scented soaps, too. Amber also enjoys sharing the background of Bisbee Soap and Sundry.

“Weā€™ve been very fortunate in our venture, but our story is a testament to the power of ambition and determination.”

You can find Bisbee Soap and Sundry here.

“Weā€™ve been very fortunate in our venture, but our story is a testament to the power of ambition and determination.”AMBERBISBEE SOAP AND SUNDRY FOUNDER

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