How Many Creative Re-Uses Are There For A Great-Looking Cardboard Box?

by | Apr 4, 2016 | Inspiration & Tips | 1 comment

A Great Many, in fact. We’ve Done Some Digging to Find the Best.

Those who BoxUp, and people who use corrugated cardboard in general, are always looking for a way to be kind to Mother Earth. Upcycling is a time-honored, fun and creative outgrowth of the effort to use resources responsibly. Custom boxes from the BoxUp lineup, such as mailers and shippers, are especially sturdy and appealing in their “repurpose-ability.” This was demonstrated a few years ago when one man famously made a couch, dining room set and double bed out of FedEx boxes.

Let us count the ways

A quick search online or even some digging around in your own imagination will reveal some of the most obvious uses of a previously used corrugated cardboard box: storage bins, magazine holder, desk or craft supply tray and so on. Dig a little deeper and you might find uses such as fasionable lamp shades, a costume (Robot or Lego Man anyone?), or useful shelving for the ultimate in frugal living. There are so many variations on the theme of upcycling corrugated cardboard, we’ve dedicated a corner of our Pinterest page to it.

Your grandma upcycled with boxes and paper.

Grandma was smart. You can be, too. You might take up her ‘vintage’ upcycling hobby for the holiday – Putzing. What’s putzing, you ask? It basically involves constructing scenes, a holiday village often, with everyday materials collected at home. This may be a world you didn’t know existed – but dig through the online archives far enough and you won’t believe the detail of some Putz projects. And go no further than Etsy to find creative entrpreneurs, and some putzers, upcycling cardboard for fun and profit. (Keep scrolling – you’ll see something that will make you say, “Wow!”)

Hope you enjoyed that bonus idea. Take a look around on our Pinterest page. Let us know what makes you smile. If you’ve done some upcycling yourself, send us, or tag us with, your creation. Whether it’s storage, shelving, a pet’s home, or costuming, almost anyone can find a cardboard re-use that will make them look differently at the next box that comes home. Share your ideas with BoxUp via PinterestFacebookInstagram or via email.

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