Catering Gets a Boost from BoxUp

by | Aug 14, 2019 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

Custom Boxes for Catering

If you watch enough Food Network programming, you’ll easily be coaxed into believing that being a chef is a life of straight-up, five-star glamour. Talk to an actual chef and they’ll quickly dispel that myth. It’s hard work and requires backbreaking long hours. It also requires a unique balance of soft skills, such as dealing with people, with the hard skills of cooking for others and running the business. It’s a labor of love, though, and one of the attractions is the level of creativity and fun.

Where Chef and Caterer Meet

With catering, a chef is confronted with unique constraints: travel/transportation, mobile or ‘satellite’ kitchens, perishability – just to name a few. How can a catered event – even the humble brown bag business luncheon – give off the right vibe? Not only does the food need to be delicious, it needs to be presented in a way that accomplishes specific goals. One of those goals, from a client perspective, is surprise and delight.

Here’s Where the Custom Designed Box Comes In

Is a plastic clamshell or brown paper bag especially delightful? No. It accomplishes a task, but is not especially unique or memorable. The custom printed box, made for a specific caterer or for a specific catered event, ‘kicks it up a notch,’ to borrow the catchphrase of a celebrity chef. It may sound complicated, but it’s not. A caterer with no design skills can upload a logo and image into the BoxUp design canvas, add an appropriate pattern (we’ve done that work already), set the quantity, proof the 3-D design, press send and in just a few days, a new element has been added to the catered event. You are a Rockstar!

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