The Six Best Kits of 2018
Deliver a themed-bunch of goods in a bag or plain box and it is a nice themed bag or box of goods. However, deliver that same bunch of goods with a similarly themed, custom-printed box and you’ve got more than a nice bag box of themed goods. You have a brand. You have delivered a moment of inspiration and connection. You’ve got more. The success of companies and organizations realizing how to convert the capabilities of BoxUp into winning ideas for their organizations, customers and fans has us inspired. Here are some of the best we’ve seen.
Ball State University

That alumni spirit thrives in the U.S. We love to gather with fellow graduates long after we’ve thrown the mortarboard in the air. Ball State found the idea of a “Party-in-a-Box” was the perfect vehicle for stoking that fire and keeping people engaged with each other, even when they landed many miles away from their former campus.

This young upstart company with a unique name picked a Llama as their mascot. In the interest of building relationships and making an impression, they present a “Llama Love Box” to new clientele featuring champagne flutes, gummi bears and llama socks. Not expensive, but memorable.
Harden Memorial Hospital
Harden Memorial Hospital recognized that the homes of many new mothers and fathers were not equipped for the arrival of a new baby – either for want of experience or resources. So, they designed custom-printed pink and blue carryout boxes as take-home gifts for new Harden babies. The boxes contain parent necessities including a baby thermometer, pacifiers, formula samples, diapers and wipes.

TrendyMinds, a creative marketing agency located in Indianapolis and Denver used custom boxes to create the perfect Christmas gift for their employees. Employees received TrendyMinds swag in the form of backpacks, jackets, socks, tumblers, fleece blankets, sunglasses and more. The custom box provided the Christmas morning feeling, without a ton of wrapping paper and time!
Inspired by a loving mother’s care packages, Troopster was conceived by a former Navy photojournalist who just thought more people in the service should be treated like she was. Over time, that feeling developed into a business, with a non-profit and for-profit arm delivering customized care packages that servicemen and women love receiving.
Indiana Sports Corp

The state of Indiana, and the city of Indianapolis, is sports-crazy (like every other state, right?). This state is especially crazy for hosting events (NCAA Finals, Conference Tournaments, even the Super Bowl), so hospitality means everything. The Indiana Sports Corp is the “tip of the spear” of the state’s sports hospitality efforts. A creative swag box makes those first impressions long-lasting.
Branded Plus Gifts

Branded Plus Gifts was one of the first promotional products companies to discover low-volume, digitally printed boxes with custom designs. One of their clients, a legal mediator, was able to package a fully-customized, creative message that generated amazing customer feedback. A BoxUp box tied the whole thing together.
When does a custom-printed box really bring it all together for you? Have you seen some great kit ideas you’d like to share? Give us a shout.