Lori Danielson

by | Apr 21, 2015 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

Coaching Series: Lori Danielson

As part of a series, we talked with a variety of coaches. In this edition, we spoke with Lori Danielson with GoTime Coaching, who is a results-oriented coach and business strategist who thrives on helping others achieve more.

What segment of business do you focus on?

It’s an interesting mix and I love the diversity! I get to connect with individuals and businesses who work in the non-profit world, education, real estate development and construction industries. And, the individuals I connect with regularly could be both young, emerging leaders as well as executives or small business owners.

Who or what motivated you to get into coaching?

It’s pretty simple, really. I want more for people and believe that we can all be more, and achieve more, if we would simply get out of own way. Too often we let our fears, the environment around us and everyday life get in the way of finding and using our gifts and talents to their fullest. I simply want to help (to be a ‘tool’ as I often say) individuals see and achieve greater possibilities for themselves and their business.

What’s the biggest obstacle people have in working with a coach?

I think many times it boils down to pride and ego getting in the way. For some, asking for help can ‘feel’ like a sign of weakness or failure and it is so far from the truth. We should all seek input from others in order to see ourselves in a different light and to grow as individuals from those differing viewpoints.

What keeps you going?

Making an impact and seeing people achieve more than what they ever imagined!

What book is on your nightstand?

There are several, and I will admit that I rarely read a book cover to cover. I pull out pieces and parts that serve me and then move on to another. Right now I have on my nightstand The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni, You Can Be Happy No Matter What by Richard Carlson, and then a little book called Meditations by J. Krishnamurti that was my mother’s.

What is your morning ritual?

Growing up on an Iowa farm, I’ve always been an early morning riser and love my mornings! My ritual varies, but in the warmer months I like to sit on the porch with coffee, watch the sunrise and connect with nature or go for a walk or run. I like to use my morning time, when my mind is really clear, to write and do any planning or budgeting that might be needed.

What is the simplest thing people can do to improve their productivity?

Get really, really clear on what is important and needs to be accomplished, write it down and then block time on your calendar to ‘protect’ your time and ensure you invest time doing what is most important. We have so much information hitting us every day, every minute, and so many ways to become distracted, that blocking time on your calendar to do what is most important is key.

How do your clients get inspiration?

Gosh, in so many ways. For some, it’s reading positive and aspiration messages daily to keep a positive “can do” state of mind, and for others, it’s by recording and celebrating any bit of progress being made. Getting inspiration is so personal, but so important for each of us to find and recognize the things that get us pumped up and ready to rock n’ roll each day!

How do you keep your clients motivated to stick to their goals?

By helping them see that THEY can keep themselves focused on their goals. Awareness is powerful and helping clients become aware is key followed by writing down actions that can be taken based on some new level of awareness and realization.

If you could give every small business owner one piece of advice, what would it be?

From a practical side, stay close, really close, to your customers. Listen to their pain points and work every day to be the best at understanding customer needs and delivering solutions to meet or exceed those needs.

Reach out to Lori on LinkedIn if you are looking for a results-oriented coach to impact your organization.

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