Importance of a Branded Box

by | Mar 30, 2020 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

Why Your Subscription Service Needs Custom Branded Boxes

What does your company represent in the big picture?

Imagine this common scenario: a box arrives on your doorstep. Is it plain? An unmarked mystery, potentially a mistake from the postal service sent to the wrong person? A gift from your tape-happy mother-in-law? Or does it have that trademark smiling arrow denoting an hours-old order from Amazon? Whether you’re a Prime member or not, what you see on the boxes you receive has an impact on you, and the same is true for your customers. There is a specific value in a company’s brand identity, be it golden arches, a goddess-evoking swish or a ringtone you can’t get out of your head. When you see a custom branded box outside your door, you know exactly what’s in store for you.

As the subscription service industry booms, more and more business are turning to custom branded shipping boxes. At, we work with companies of all sizes to create a custom branded box that will operate as a successful marketing tool. For a small business, the legitimacy and consistency of a tangible brand is priceless; consumers feel they know quality when they see it, and solid branding can be the difference between invisibility and standing out in a crowd of competition.

Define your brand.

Branding has increasingly become more important as a marketing tool during the 21st century. So, what is your company’s brand? A logo? It can seem that simple at first glance, but much like running your own business, there’s significantly more involved beneath the surface. In one of our recent <a href=”” target=”_blank”>blog posts</a>, we discuss that a brand is more than a logo. Customers develop strong associations with brands that they find represent certain values they themselves cherish. Things like reliable quality, economic value or social ethics are tied into the meaning of a brand. Often, customers create an emotional connection to your products. After all, subscription services are geared toward a customer’s unique niche and personality. What does your company represent in the big picture? If your brand can connect with your customers, this will improve chances of re-purchase and set the foundation for a longer, stronger relationship between you and your client base.</p>
<h3 class=”ussHeadline”>Design matters.</h3>
<p>Establishing your brand with well-thought-out design is a crucial step in creating an impressive subscription service. Look at your shipping box and think about the design. Aesthetic details are marketing tools customers use to associate your business with your unique brand. Having a distinct box design not only allows for quick recognition, but tells customers that you are fully invested in the products provided in the subscription service. Customers appreciate product packaging that makes them feel special. Since subscription services are essentially gifts for your customers, recipients expect that Christmas morning feeling, replete with a beautiful package. Plus, design can be fun! You can do so much more than post a logo on a brown box. Add color, create something new and make sure your custom box is something your customers will always be able to identify. Even if your base is creative and enjoys changes in certain details monthly, make sure there is something consistent on your box that screams, “It’s ME! I’m here!”</p>
<h3 class=”ussHeadline”>Create an experience.</h3>
<p>Perhaps it is our collective inner child that has led to the rise of the “unboxing” experience. Much like birthday parties or holidays, excited customers record a video of themselves opening their delivered packages, and it has become a global phenomenon. A custom branded box, instead of a plain brown box, gives life to the “unboxing” experience. When you create a branded package that resonates with those who receive it, you share your own enthusiasm for your product. Customers don’t just enjoy opening a box that looks appealing; they’re looking for an unforgettable experience with a custom branded box, and when they know you will provide that, they’ll turn to you again and again.</p>
<h3 class=”ussHeadline”>Know when to get help.</h3>
<p>Part of running a business is knowing and working with your strengths. Creating a brand identity and a custom branded box for a subscription service isn’t always easy. That’s why many companies work with consultants and packaging businesses (like BoxUp!) to develop a unique brand their customers can rely on. A well-branded product is a product that advertises itself, and these little investments can do a lot of work for you. Take some time to have fun with your design, and your customers will believe in your subscription service as much as you do. You know what you stand for, and so should they!</p>
<p>At, our goal is to help transform your service, no matter its size, with a custom branded box. We’ll work with you to create something fresh, exciting and uniquely you that your customers can not only recognize, but anticipate. Don’t wait; let’s <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>get started</a> today!</p>

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