Derian Baugh

by | May 1, 2015 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

Coaching Series: Derian Baugh

As part of a series, we talked with a variety of coaches. In this edition, we spoke with Subscription Box Mentor, Derian Baugh. Derian grew his subscription box into a multi-million dollar company in three years. Now, he coaches other subscription box owners to do the same.

What segment of business do you focus on?

I focus on helping subscription box entrepreneurs aka subscriptionpreneurs on launching, growing and scaling their subscription box!

Who or what motivated you to get into coaching?

I know I wouldn’t have achieved my dreams if it weren’t for the role of coaches and mentors along the way. I started my own subscription box from scratch out of my living room with very limited resources, but was able to grow it into a multi-million dollar company. Now, I like to focus my time on helping others on a similar path. You wear a lot of hats as an entrepreneur. It can be overwhelming and difficult to know what to prioritize. Helping other subscriptionpreneurs get clarity, direction and results is what motivates me!

What’s the biggest obstacle people have in working with a coach?

I think the biggest obstacle is to view coaching as an investment. When you’re starting or running a company, you’re constantly focused on cash flow and you watch every dollar you spend. But, if people find the right coach, then they will know where they should focus their dollars and, more importantly, where they should NOT spend money. Hiring a coach will help you avoid costly mistakes and make sure you put your money, effort and time into the areas of your business that will produce a return. I’ve had to learn a lot of lessons the hard way, and I do my best to make sure others don’t make similar mistakes if they can be avoided. When you have an experienced coach, you don’t have to guess on what you should do to grow your box. You’re not in this alone. You’re working with someone who can provide experienced advice and help you navigate the decisions that will help you grow and see results. To a certain degree, you get a business partner without having to give up ownership.

What keeps you going?

There are so many awesome subscription box concepts entering the market and it’s exciting to be a part of new these new ventures. The subscription box industry isn’t going anywhere. It’s only continuing to grow. The average person has seven subscriptions they pay to be a part of, whether it’s with Amazon Prime, Pandora or Spotify, Netflix, etc… And more and more, they’re starting to add subscription boxes to the things they want on a recurring basis. So for me, heping others is a lot of fun. I absolutely love coming alongside someone’s dream and helping them make it a reality! That’s the best part of the job!

What book is on your nightstand?

I love to read and I’ve always believed that leaders are readers! That’s why I have a few books that are always on my nightstand:

Hooked – How to Build Habit Forming Products by Nir Eyal. This is a great book to read as a subscriptionpreneur. It helps you align with the strategies that attract and retain your subscribers.

Contagious – Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger. This book is great for helping you define the keys to driving word of mouth. Everyone knows word-of-mouth is the best form of marketing, and this book gives you the strategies you need to make your product worth talking about.

Dot Com Secrets – The Underground Playbook for Growing Your Company by Russell Brunson. This book gives some of the most practical tactics I’ve seen for growing your leads and converting website visitors to paying subscribers.

What is your morning ritual?

I have to have a cup of coffee (or two!) to get jump started. I tend to be a night owl. But once I’m awake, I like to get a quick workout in on the elliptical. I check in on Facebook to check on my messages, and then I start diving into emails. And from there the rest of the day is usually coaching calls with subscriptionpreneurs. It’s always something to look forward to!

What is the simplest thing people can do to improve their productivity?

I have a list of three things that I’m always returning to. I use sticky post-it notes and write everything down that I need to do. Then, I put the sticky note in one of three sections on my wall:

To Do: All the things I need to do.

Doing: All the things I’m currently working on.

Done: All the things I can check off the list and give myself a high-five for!

Then, each week I move things from left to right as I move them from my To-Do to Done. It helps me visualize and prioritize the things that are most pressing and ensures I make progress every day. My goal is to move as many sticky notes as possible each week.

How do your clients get inspiration?

My clients are really a part of a larger community. I run a Facebook group for Subscriptionpreneurs and they are constantly posting updates on the progress they’re making, they ask questions when they need help and even better, there are always people ready to respond and be helpful. I receive messages almost daily from people thanking me for creating the group. It provides the support they need when they’re struggling, and a great place to celebrate their wins along the way – both of which reminds them they’re not alone and they can be successful! And THIS is what is most inspiring! You’re more likely to keep showing up when there is a group of people showing up with you!

How do you keep your clients motivated to stick to their goals?

The first part is making sure their goals are realistic, relevant and attainable. The second part is putting dates within 30 days of what they need to do to accomplish the goal. Getting quick wins is the key to success when it comes to goals. This is why so many people struggle to lose weight. They want to lose several pounds, but the progress comes slow, and that makes it hard to stay motivated. While some people have long-term goals (which I think are great to have!), what I like to focus on are the smaller short-term goals you need to do in order to accomplish your long-term goal. There is always a next-step, and by putting one foot in front of the other, every day you’ll make progress. You’ll knock out the small goals one by one and continue to be motivated to accomplish your big goals.

If you could give every small business owner one piece of advice, what would it be?

You have to simplify your message so that a five year old can explain what you offer AND you have to constantly talk to your customers. They will always tell you exactly what you need to do for them to give you money. If you are guessing or making stuff up as you go without checking in with real people and real customers, then you’re heading off into dangerous territory. Customers are looking for a solution. If you can make it convenient and simple, they’ll keep showing up!

Reach out to Derian if your subscription box could use a coach.

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