Let the adventure begin…
Every box you’ve ever used has been on a journey. And, on its journey, that box crossed paths with a lot of people. It was manufactured, shipped, purchased, packed, moved, used, discarded — and seen countless times, by countless people.
If it was a standard, plain box, it probably didn’t make much of an impression. In fact, we’ve designed plain boxes specifically to NOT attract attention.
If you’re looking to pack a punch, though, it’s time for a different kind of box.
A Different Box, A Better Box
At BoxUp, we’re making that different kind of box. A box that people notice — and notice you for — because a box that stands out gets attention, and not only from the person who opens it.
Your box’s journey begins with us. We’re going to be your partners, and we’re going to take pride in creating high-quality boxes that represent your brand exactly the way you want. Its journey continues at the post office, where it will stand out in a sea of plain boxes. Your box finds its true meaning when it arrives with your audience, but that’s not where its journey ends.
Consider the after-party box we made for Yelp, which people went nuts for. Yelp gave these boxes away at festivals to the first 250 event-goers to check in online. Within an hour, they were completely out. Yelp created a box that kindled excitement that people wanted to be a part of, and wanted to share with others. In today’s connected age, one social media post can put your brand in front of hundreds, or even thousands, of new faces. When you create a box that is different and exciting, you create something worth sharing with others.

LuxePineapple, a subscription-based beauty and lifestyle brand, created a unique box using one of our pre-designed patterns. Their subscribers noticed. Many shared their thoughts on social media, noting, “the box itself is beautiful.” Imagine the stir a bright, bold box like this might cause in an office when it arrives on a co-worker’s desk, or the attention it would receive when featured in an unboxing video.

Your audience may even reuse and share your box (especially if you include interior suggestions on how to), because owning it says something about them, too. This gives your box — and your brand — an opportunity to have a lasting place in the life, home, or workplace of the customer who received it, as well as a chance to be noticed and seen by other people.

Your BoxUp box isn’t just for you or the customer who receives it. It’s for everybody it crosses paths with on its journey. Everybody who sees your box will come away with an impression of what your brand, your product, your community and your team are all about.
Endless Journeys, Countless Views
A box that stands out creates a moment that makes an impression on people. That impression could lead them to become a client of your brand, a buyer of your product, a member of your community or a fan of your team. Who knows who your box might inspire?
On the journeys taken by BoxUp boxes, there are endless opportunities for paths to be crossed and impressions to be made. We may never know exactly where your box will go, or how it will end up being used… but we’re certain that everybody along its journey will notice it, because you’ll have created a box that stands out.
Let’s get your BoxUp box started on its journey today.