Melissa Pothier

by | Mar 29, 2015 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

Coaching Series: Melissa Pothier

As part of a series, we talked with a variety of coaches. In this edition, we spoke with Melissa Pothier, who is a motivational fitness and nutrition coach.

Who or what motivated you to get into personal training/coaching?

I wanted to help as many people as I could. As a young mom, I was struggling with my health, my weight and my energy and getting started. When I decided to take care of myself first, everything changed. I was able to be happy, more confident and have the energy needed for my kids and their activities. I wanted every mom to be able to feel the same.

>As a personal trainer, you coach your clients to improve their bodies, but how much of what you do is mental?

Oh, it’s huge! I truly believe that you cannot have a physical transformation without having an inside transformation. You have to change your mindset and the way you see things first to be willing to do hard things then. Do something different to have different results. You have to believe that you can do it.

What’s the biggest obstacle people have in working with a coach?

Some people are afraid of the truth. Some people are not ready to change. Some people are not ready to make themself as a priority. Some people still think it is selfish to take care of themself first. It’s hard sometimes because as a coach and see how much people need this, but they don’t want to change (yet!). We have to respect that, let go and work with those that are willing to change.

As a subscription box owner, how does your coaching mindset improve your business?

My box is a self-care box, so it’s really an add-on that my clients can get to take care of themselves and treat themselves even more. My mindset changed because I got out of my comfort zone. I was comfortable doing what I was doing. The subsription box brought me new challenges and I learned a lot too. I have to talk to myself and listen to my own advice.

>One word to describe your subscription box:

YOU (you are the priority!).

>As a self-described coffee lover, what’s your coffee ritual?

I love coffee, BUT I love taking the time to drink it. With kids around, sometimes I just end up drinking cold coffee, which is not that enjoyable! Instead, I get up, get dressed up, practice gratitude for 5 minutes, workout, eat and then I drink coffee when I read my personal development. It’s like I earned it and I’m taking time for myself.

What book is on your nightstand?

The High Performance Habits from Brendon Burchard. LOVE IT!

You are wearing many hats with your various businesses. What advice do you have for others juggling these many roles in their life?

You have to know what you are doing and where you are going, but to do so you have to know who you are and the purpose you have in life. Organization is everything! And ohhh let it go! I mean there is only so much we can do in a day. Take it one thing at a time. There is a quote that I love, ”All I can do is all I can do and all I can do is enough.”

How do you keep your clients motivated to stick to their goals?

Honestly I don’t. THEY have to want it. I am here to support them, but they have to do the hard work. Motivation is what gets you started, but discipline is what you need, then it becomes a habit. With that being said, I love vision boards! I encourage clients to take before pictures, writing their goals down, practice visualisation, enjoy the process and the journey and celebrate little victories.

What is one thing that you advise your clients to do that is really applicable to all entrpreneurs?

MINDSET is everything. You have to believe that you can do it, otherwise why would you even start? You have to know where you are going and act like a trailblazer. Nothing is going to stop you until you get what you want. Don’t quit!For our Canadian friends in Melissa’s area, reach out to Melissa for fitness coaching. Or follow her coffee loving, inspiring antics on Instagram.

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