4 Reasons to Consider Inside Print For Your Custom Branded Box

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Inspiration & Tips | 0 comments

How do you decide if inside print is right for you?

With so much advice about packaging it can be hard to determine, inside print or outside print – or both? How do you decide? Here’s a quick overview of some common reasons people use inside print. Read up, then you can decide for yourself if inside print delivers value for you.

1. Porch pirates beware!

As package delivery increases, so does package theft. One maker of high-end jewelry, Metalicious, brands her box on the inside instead of the outside. The outside stays plain to avoid attracting attention to its high-value contents. But the inside delivers a moment of delight with a beautiful message that reinforces the brand positioning.

2. A get-started guide that doesn’t cost you money

Several BoxUp customers have used the inside of the box to avoid adding an insert. If you use fulfillment, you know adding a flysheet or manual means another touchpoint, which means another fee. These inserts can contain valuable information such as printing instructions to download information online, to register your product or a “get started” guide on the inside of the box. Printing on the box can save you money and provide value to the customer. This also works well for items that are “kitted” – i.e. packed, sealed and ready to ship on demand. Kitting with the instructions on the box itself is an efficient way to ship out stand-alone goods.

3. 1000 Words, is one of them yours?

“Unboxing” that thing that wasn’t even a thing until a few years ago. And now it’s a big THING. If organic growth is important to you (it is!) then unboxing matters. A brilliant white interior can set off your photography, for sure. But throw some additional branding on the inside lid of mailer-style boxes and suddenly the picture says 1000 words and one of them is your brand. One client shared, “With organic growth so important to my brand, I consider inside printing to be a part of my marketing budget, not my packaging budget.”

4. Daily Reminders

Some clever makers have included instructions for reusing the box as a handy household item or a kid’s craft idea. This added value contributes to overall brand love. And as an added bonus, it keeps your brand around for a much longer time. Daily reminders of your brand are not a bad thing.

Whatever your reasons – practical or beautiful – inside print can add value to your branded box.Prev

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